A Compilation of 110 Hilarious Jokes About Long Necks

Find yourself in fits of laughter as you delve into a collection of long neck jokes that playfully explore the quirks and advantages of an elongated neck.

Long neck jokes take humor to new heights with their playful exploration of the physical feature that sets individuals apart. Here we dive into the world of lighthearted comedy that revolves around elongated proportions.

These jokes highlight the unique characteristics and often poke fun at the advantages and quirks of having an extended neck. From clever one-liners to amusing observations, long neck jokes bring a refreshing twist to the realm of humor.

Funny Long Neck Jokes

1.  How do you make a giraffe laugh?  Tell it a tall tale

2.  Why don’t giraffes use social media?   Because they’re afraid of a “neck”-ative response!

3.  What do you call a giraffe with sunglasses?  A “cool” long-neck!

4.  Why do giraffes have long necks?  Because their feet smell!

5.  How do you ask a giraffe to dance?  “Would you like to neck-swing with me?”

6.  What’s a giraffe’s favorite snack?  “Nectarines!

7.  What do you call it when a giraffe swallows a toy jigsaw puzzle?  A “neck”-breaker!

8.  Why did the giraffe get bad grades?  Because it was always “stretching” the truth!

9.  What’s a giraffe’s favorite game at the amusement park?  “Neck”-tion-packed roller coasters!

10.  How do giraffes apologize?  They say, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to stick my neck where it doesn’t belong!”

11.  Why did the giraffe bring a boombox to the savannah?  To play some “neck”-breaking beats!

12.  What’s a giraffe’s favorite subject in school?  “Neck”-onomics!

13.  How do you end a giraffe’s story?  “The end of the ‘neck’-siting adventure!

Best Long Neck Jokes

Stretch your imagination and embrace the humor of elongated proportions with a series of long neck jokes that will leave you bending over with laughter.

14. Why don’t giraffes use computers?  Because their necks can’t reach the keyboard!

15. Why did the giraffe wear a turtleneck?  To hide his long neck-identity!

16. What did the giraffe say to the turtle?  ” I go neck and neck with you!”

17. How do you tell the difference between a giraffe and a pelican?  The giraffe has a longer neck and no feathers!

18. Did you hear about the giraffe who walked into a bar?  The bartender said, “Why the long neck?”

19. What did one giraffe say to the other after they bumped their long necks together?  “I feel a little neck-lessary!”

20. Why did the giraffe join a basketball team?  Because he had a natural advantage for slam dunks with his long neck!

21. How do you spot a giraffe in a crowd?  Just look for the one with their head held high!

22. Why did the giraffe need a cellphone with a long-neck feature?  So he could have a great “neck-work” connection!

23. What’s a giraffe’s favorite sport?  Neck-exercise!

24. How does a giraffe ask someone for a favor?  “Can you please lend me a neck-hand?”

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25. Why was the giraffe selected as the spokesperson for the fashion industry?  Because he always has his neck in the latest trends!

26. What did the giraffe say to his shorter friend?  “I always look up to you!”

27. How does a giraffe say hello to someone?  With a long-necked wave!

28. Why did the giraffe get in trouble at school?  Because he was always sticking his neck out during exams!

29. What’s a giraffe’s favorite dessert?  Neck-aroons!

30. Why did the giraffe go to the music concert?  Because he wanted to see the world famous neck-tarist!

31. Why did the giraffe become a detective?  Because he always had a neck for solving mysteries!

Long Neck Jokes

Discover a neck-breaking dose of comedy with hilarious long neck jokes that will leave you in stitches and longing for more chuckles.

32.  How do you hide a giraffe in a strawberry field?  Paint its toenails red.

33.  What did the long neck say to the bottle?  You complete me!

34.  Why don’t giraffes use smartphones?  Because they’re afraid of high bills!

35.  What do you call a group of giraffes?  A “tower” of course!

36.  How do giraffes make a call?  They use their “cell” phones!

37.  Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?  Because it takes them a long time to swallow their pride.

38.  How do giraffes take naps?  They hit the snooze button on their alarm clocks with their long necks!

39.  Why did the giraffe become a musician?  Because it had the longest experience in the business!

40.  What did the baby giraffe say to its mother before going to school?  “I’ll stick my neck out and do my best!”

41.  Why don’t giraffes play hide and seek?  Because they always stand out!

42.  How do you make a giraffe float?  Add root beer, ice cream, and a long spoon!

43.  How do giraffes apologize to each other?  They say, “I’m sorry, I really necklected you!”

44.  Why did the giraffe become an astronaut?  Because it wanted to visit the “nebulae-k”!

45.  What’s a giraffe’s favorite kind of music?  Anything with a long neck beat!

46.  Why don’t giraffes play cards in the wild?  Because there are too many cheetahs around

Long Neck Jokes For Kids

Prepare for a tall order of hilarity with a compilation of long neck jokes for kids that tickle their funny bone and bring a unique twist to the world of humor. 

47.  Why do giraffes have long necks?  Because they can’t reach their feet to tickle them!

48.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always late?  A procrastinating giraffe.

49.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always getting into trouble?  A delinquent giraffe.

50.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always telling jokes?  A comedic giraffe.

51.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always singing?  A soprano giraffe.

52.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always dancing?  A ballerina giraffe.

53.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always eating?  A gluttonous giraffe.

54.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always sleeping?  A narcoleptic giraffe.

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55.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always studying?  A bookworm’s giraffe.

56.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always playing sports?  An athletic giraffe.

57.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always traveling?  A globetrotting giraffe.

58.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always getting into mischief?  A troublemaking giraffe.

59.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always making friends?  A social butterfly giraffe.

60.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always telling lies?  A fibbing giraffe.

61.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always being clumsy?  A klutzy giraffe.

62.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always getting lost?  A directionless giraffe.

63.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always being silly?  A goofy giraffe.

64.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always being brave?  A heroic giraffe.

65.  What do you call a giraffe that’s always being helpful?  A good Samaritan giraffe.

 Long Neck Jokes One Liners

66. “Why was the giraffe’s report card always outstanding?  Because he always had his neck in the books!”

67. “How did the giraffe win the marathon?  By taking the ‘neck’ route!”

68. “Why did the giraffe always win at hide-and-seek?  Because his long neck gave him the perfect ‘neck s’cape!”

69. “What did the giraffe say to his friends when they left?  ‘I’ll catch you on the flip ‘neck’!’”

70. Why was the giraffe a terrible poker player?  Because he always gave away his hand, with that long neck!

71. Why did the giraffe break up with his giraffe girlfriend?  They had too much neck-nonsense going on!

72. “Why did the giraffe become a basketball player?  Because they had a natural advantage with that long neck!”

73. “What did one giraffe say to the other at the office?  ‘I’m neck-deep in paperwork!’”

74. “Why did the giraffe join the yoga class?  To master the downward-facing neck!”

75. “Why was the giraffe absent from school?  They had a pain in the neck!”

76. “What’s a giraffe’s favorite dance move?  The neck-twerk!”

 Long Neck Jokes For Adults

77.  How does a giraffe get a sore throat?  By swallowing a lot of tall tales!

78.  Did you hear about the giraffe who joined a basketball team?  It was a slam dunk choice!

79.  Why don’t giraffes use smartphones?  Because they’re afraid of a long-distance bill!

80.  What do you call a giraffe’s favorite fruit?  A “high”drange!

81.  Why did the giraffe break up with its giraffe partner?  Because it felt like it was in a “neck”-lective relationship!

82.  Why don’t giraffes play hide and seek?  Because they always stick their necks out!

83.  Why did the giraffe become a motivational speaker?  Because it had a unique perspective on reaching new heights in life!

84.  “What long faces?  These are just our necks!”

85.  How did the giraffe invent the necktie?  I was tired of being spotted without one!

86.  Why do giraffes make terrible poker players?  Because they can’t keep a straight neck!

87.  What do you call a giraffe who’s great at math?  A “long”-division expert!

88.  Did you hear about the giraffe that went to space?  It had a “stellar” view from its spaceship’s window!

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89.  Why do giraffes make excellent referees in sports?  Because they always have an eye on the “high”-lights!

90.  How do you measure a giraffe’s height?  You use a “neck”-rometer, of course!

91.  Why did the giraffe become an artist?  Because it wanted to paint the town “tall”!

92.  What did one giraffe say to the other giraffe after a long day of grazing?  “Let’s stick our necks out and do it all again tomorrow!

Short  Long Neck Jokes

93. Why did the giraffe join the basketball team?  For the neck-cessary height advantage!

94. What did the giraffe say to his friend?  “I’m always looking up to you!”

95. Why did the giraffe get in trouble at school?  Because he always stuck his neck out during tests!

96. What computer game do giraffes enjoy playing?  Neck-tendon!

97. What’s a giraffe’s favorite type of music? Neck-stalgic tunes!

98. Did you hear about the giraffe who walked into a bar?  The bartender said, “Why the long neck?”

99. How does a giraffe order a coffee?  “I’ll have a tall, neck-presso, please!”

100. Why did the giraffe bring a pillow to the party?  In case he wanted a comfortable neck-rest!

101. What did the snail say when it hitched a ride on a giraffe’s back?  “Wahoo, a neck-speed adventure!”

102. How does a giraffe greet its neighbor?  With a long-necked wave!

103. Why did the giraffe start a band?  Because he had a neck for music!

104. What’s a giraffe’s favorite kind of sandwich?  Any sandwich with extra long neck-tarines!

105. Why don’t giraffes use cellphones?  Their necks can’t reach the touch screens!

106.  Why did the long-necked dinosaur need a ladder?  Because it wanted to change the lightbulb on its ceiling!

107.  How does a giraffe feel after a long day at work?  Neckhausted!

108.  What do you call a giraffe’s high school yearbook?  A long-necked memoir!

109.  Why don’t giraffes play hide and seek?  Because they’re always spotted!

110. How does a giraffe ask for a sandwich?  “I’ll have the long-necked special, please!”

111.  What’s a giraffe’s favorite fruit?  Nectarines!

112.  How do you make a giraffe float?  Two scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a long straw!

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Long Neck Dinosaur Jokes

Dive into the world of dinosaurs and humor with our Long Neck Jokes. Discover clever wordplay and playful jests that pay tribute to these gentle giants of the past.

113. What do you call a long-neck dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus!

114. Why don’t long-neck dinosaurs ever get lost? Because they always stick their necks out for directions!

115. What’s a long-neck dinosaur’s favorite game? Hide and ‘Brachio’-seek!

116. How do long-neck dinosaurs send mail to each other? They use ‘dino-post’!

117. Why did the long-neck dinosaur go to the art museum? To see some ‘Jurassic’ masterpieces!

118. What did the long-neck dinosaur say when it bumped into a tree? “I’ll never ‘neck’-lect to watch where I’m going again!”

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Final Thoughts

We hope you had a good laugh, After reading through all these hilarious long neck jokes. Have a humorous long Neck joke to share? Feel free to drop your own long-neck jokes and puns in the comment section below, and let’s keep the laughter going with these dino-mite quips!